Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still here......

Well, I have been extremely busy..... very bad blogger, I know..... Please forgive me?
We have had a lot of plan changes over the last few mounths, but we will still be sailing later in this year! We are hard at work to get the other yacht into ship-shape condition...... So that is the main reason for me not blogging everyday.
We are still very much alive and kicking, hard busy home-schooling and going to-and-fro between land-home and water-home!
Houtbay is our main base at the moment with us only touching ground briefly at home for me to do the washing and so on..... The weather is fast changing and we can really feel it on the water. The mornings are nippy and the evenings are also getting cooler!
I will try and make another blog-writing later in this week....... So, until then.... enjoy your day!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

I am so behind on blogging........ We have beem extremely busy the last 2 months.... But here are a few collages of some of the things we have done! Here we are having some fun in Houtbay....
Tasting oysters at Panama Jack's in the Cape Town harbour.......
Nice food at the Lookout Deck in Houtbay.....
Still Panama Jack's......... and still more food!!!! We had a wonderfull time with all of our friends during the holiday season!
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