Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scrappers of the round table!!!

We were all seated at round tables this year and I must say, it is much nicer!!!!! We could all see each other and it was just more cosy. We missed you guys that weren't there, you know who you are!!!!! But, just a little inside news............ The big convention is in Cape Town this year!!!!! Yea!!!!! Yes, at Spier over two days, in October....... R2250.00 So, start saving ladies..... Hope you enjoyed all my news.... Blessings xxx
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Stefanie said...

Hey there

Just making me jealous are you?
Didn't know they were doing a big one. We'll have to invite Princess to stay with us this year!

Shayne said...

Oh I'd love to go. Have to start saving madly! I've got the airfare to worry about too!

Lynette Jacobs said...

Hey Charmaine...thank you for the bloggy visit...looking forward getting to know you better.

In answer to your question, I scrap mostly on Saterdays...but sometimes scrap in the late afternoons as well...I have my own space, so I just close the door on the mess.