Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some of my nice stuff........... My friend and her husband makes these nice little box to put all your paints and small scrapstuff in.
My calander for this year........
My nice word art and my 'curtains' formally new as a sarong.....
Another sarong and word....... Hope you enjoyed this rather pic-filled post.
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Lynette Jacobs said...

Are you going to try and take that all on board:)

Stefanie said...

I love looking at other people's stuff.

Charmaine T said...

Oh Lynette!!!! I really wish I could, but sadly that won't be possible. Well, the small stuff will go, but not everything. ( can you hear me crying?)

Shayne said...

I like those little shelves.

Would you friend be willing to make one for me?

Exactly as your's is?

Unless you're looking ot get rid of yours?

or am i being cheeky? mail me and let me know shaynesch@absamail.co.za