Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Clouds like waves

When we got to the boat on Friday midday, this is what the clouds looked like between TableMountain and Leeukop. It is the first time that I saw clouds looking like waves..... I am still going back and forth between the boat and the house, working hard at both. Sorry for posting very irregular, but I am reading all of your blogs, I promise!!!!!!! I am very thankfull for our nice cool day today in Cape Town, after a VERY HOT day yesterday.......
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CathQuillScrap said...

Very fun looking... I think God love's to paint pictures in the sky to amuse us all... just show's His love for us.

Stefanie said...

Wow, I wouldn't have believed it if I saw it in the paper, but you I believe.

Shayne said...

Wow, what a stunning photo. Fortunate the life you're living at the moment, that you get to capture pics like these.