Friday, May 15, 2009


Sorry for not blogging for so long...... Have been very busy sorting out my WHOLE house....... Yes, I am... As we will be moving to our yacht at the end of the year, I have to know what has to go into storidge and what not. Now, I have to tell you, I do have a HUGE problem..... My hubby build me a 6x8m wendyhouse for all my craft goodies. So please tell me, what do I take with and what do I leave behind???????? I use ALL my scrapbooking stuff, so how do I convince my dearest that I HAVE to take all of that?????? I will post some nice pics later.... My youngest is having her birthday party tommorrow...... So I am arms deep in cake baking and icing and so on..... She will be turning 10 on Monday. Lotsa Blessings xxxxx


Stefanie said...

, as I have a whole room full of stuff I wouldn't know how o choose what to take either. Just as well the slice is small.
Hope the birthday is great - even with the awful weather. Party on Monday too! Have a great time.

CathQuillScrap said...

Oh I don't envy you having to pack up a whole wendy house onto a boat... leave the clothes at home and just take the scrapping stuff! hehehe

Lynette Jacobs said...

I feel for you...where scrap stash is concerned!