Friday, April 23, 2010


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She had a accident on Sunday..... I am using my new baby, just can't find nice fabric. How about a nice quiete Mall????
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Last night's dishes left over.
My first morning cuppa.
The two of them still in bed as it was pouring with rain.
My ol' trusty's coming out of hiding for the winter.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week in the Life of....... US

Can you believe it???? Had all the pics uploaded and in nice forms and now it does not want to upload....... Will try later.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Is there ANYONE that can tell me where I can buy some very nice girly fabric???? I have been looking everywhere....... I can not find any. I realy need some nice fabric! Like Amy Butler uses....... or the SEW CUTE blog...... Come on people, I realy need some help here..... PLEASE?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

boo hoo

I was busy with ' a week in the life of' of Ali Edwards, but am stopping... Not a very good week.... I'm in a bad place at the moment, will be back later....

Sunday, April 18, 2010


My favorite time of day iswhen I'm drinking and savouring my first cup of coffee in my bed with only the sound of the fish eagles outside.

Leftovers are …..
tmmorrow's lunch….. (if there is any)

I know people who are ……
in a tight spot in their marriage and don't give a damn about it….

I know other people who are
desparately trying to save their's.

My favorite sandwich is …..
mmmm toasted bacon and avo

People say I ….
I'm lucky to a stay at home MOM

I am ….

Personality traits I cannot stand ….
Lying and backstabbing

When I'm upset, I can't ……
eat…… (scary hey)

When I'm happy, I …..
am overly creative

If I could be any movie star I would be …..
Olivia Newton-John…… would love to dance with John Travolta!!!!!!!

I refuse to read …….?
The SUN( Die SON)

I always try to ……
be helpful, truthful and compationate

Cocktail of choice is …..
my 1st cup of coffee made by my hubby before I get out of bed!

I think it is fun to …..
just let your deffences down and be like a kid J

When someone pushes me too far, I …..
find it hard to keep my cool.

I'm really bad about …..
stressing over stuff I can't controle

I've made really good choices when it comes to ….
My husband and kids

I have not made very good choices when it comes to ……
after school studying L

It makes me happy to hear ……
when my hubby and kids say they LOVE me

I believe that prayer is …..
all that keeps me sane!

If I were a better person, I would always be ….
patient and giving

The nicest celebrity I've met to date is …..
Wilna Furstenburg

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday (belated)

Yup, I can't believe I started my blog a whole year ago..... Yesterday to be presice....
I have not been a very good blogger, but I do always try to leave a message on all your blogs that I do follow!!!!!
So thank you for everyone that leaves a message here every now and then and thank you for taking time to read what I have to say.
Have a lovely day!!!!!!