Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Well, I am still alive..... Going away for the loooooong weekend. We will leave in about an hour or so. I can't wait to get to the yacht, it is so peacefull on the water!!!!! It has been very long since I last posted, but I have been extremely sick and busy...... But I am back and will "see" u guys again ons Sunday evening or Monday...... With hopefully some nice pics. I forgot the camera at home last weekend and would you believe it, we had the most wonderful time and weather???? Well, blessings to you all and enjoy the long weekend!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


While me and my hubby were busy working on the boat this weekend our youngest one was blissfully trying to catch fish...... She actually did catch one, but it was very small..... She named it Jetti..... Well, we had to put it back in the water later and she was almost crying because.....'how is he going to get back to his friends??' They grow up so fast and before we know it, they don't want to play in the water anymore or swim right there in the slipway like she also did that morning...... The water was FREEZING I tell you, but she had the time of her life....... Well, just wanted to share a (I think) awesome pic...... Lotsa Blessings!!!!!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We finally finished her on Sunday...... Sheez, we really worked our backsides off...... But she is in te water and now we can begin with other stuff inside...
Do you think they were working hard???? We tried everything to get that shaft in, but at the end resorted to old fashioned aggression!!!!!! Good to get the blood flowing..... But, I hit my right thumb inbetween that big wooden batton and the steel rudder at the back!!!!! Not fun I might add..... I nearly fainted, my thumb is black and blue today and difficult to do the normal housework..... (WINK-WINK)
This is what our hands looked like after we actually washed them...... I still have blue paint under my nails that not even thinners or acetone will take off!!! I can have some breather now she is in the water, only until we start with the other bits and bobs that need to be done still. Enjoy this (NICE) Spring day, well, lets just say that yesterday was more Spring than today!!!!!! Lotsa Blessings!!!!!!!
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