Wednesday, September 2, 2009


While me and my hubby were busy working on the boat this weekend our youngest one was blissfully trying to catch fish...... She actually did catch one, but it was very small..... She named it Jetti..... Well, we had to put it back in the water later and she was almost crying because.....'how is he going to get back to his friends??' They grow up so fast and before we know it, they don't want to play in the water anymore or swim right there in the slipway like she also did that morning...... The water was FREEZING I tell you, but she had the time of her life....... Well, just wanted to share a (I think) awesome pic...... Lotsa Blessings!!!!!
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Stefanie said...

hopefully Jetti will find Nemo and make friends quickly.
Great photo of her and the net.

Mel said...

Beautiful photo - you wont quickly forget this day.

Kim Watson said...

Hi Charmaine...I finally found your blog hehe! I am a shocker aren't I??? Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog the other day. Did you get yourself sorted with a Cocoa Daisy subscription yet?

Wow! that is a serious yacht you have is spectacular!
Keep well.